Monday, August 22, 2011

Seven Behavior of Twitter's Hashtags

#Seven #Hashtag Related Behavior #Twitter #Tweeple Should Know
'Hash Tags Are Like Snow Flakes' photo (c) 2011, Beth Kanter - license:
First and foremost, you should know that I love reading tweets. I love to RT frequently to share. (Sharing is caring, rite?) #Hashtags tells a whole lot about people, thus I want to share my observation with you. Let's start from the bottom, shall we?

n e v e s.... #tweeple #who #tweet in #Twitter #like #this #should be #sent to #elementary #school
they are most likely suffering from attention seeking disorder with symptoms like bragging, boasting, gaining pity etc.

x i s... clueless about #hashtag this usually happens to beginners and they will outgrow it eventually. didn't you??

e v i f... #hashtag trend-setter extremists, enthusiasts, innovator, radicalist, change seeker ~ self-explanatory - fullstop.

r u o f.. riding the popularity wave of the trending #hashtag they are the opportunists, feels like they ought to be slapped sometimes

ee r h t... let's join the crowd #hashtag what the heck, just play along type of tweeple

o w t... f a ns, f a n a t i cs, f a n c l u bs, d i e h a r d f a ns they are the creator of  #hashtag i rest my case. no stopping them when the call came
'Hash Tags Are Like Snow Flakes' photo (c) 2011, Beth Kanter - license:
E N O... did you tweet your heart out to the world out there? and you don't care if nobody listens or if nobody pay attention? Simple #hashtag Pure, might be Bland at times yet very True straight from the bottom of your Heart.

** the above is coming from my observation and self research. thank you for reading, please do comment if you have something to say

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ramadhan Bonus

I would like to dedicate this post to my dear hubby; this event is a Ramadan bonus for you, he said.

"Setiap langkah ke majlis ilmu, menghapuskan satu dosa kecil. Bertamu di majlis ilmu umpama hadir ke taman syurga."

We went for iftar in USJ Taipan as he wanted to perform tarawih in Masjid Al Falah. Personally, we love this mosque because the ambiance reminded us of Masjid Nabawi, plus the imam has a beautiful voice (ehmm quite good looking young chap). Coincidentally, the mosque announced a morning tazkirah and salah tasbih to be lead by the honorable Dr. Fatma Azzahra the next day.

'Rasulullah (sallallahu `alayhi wasallam once said to his uncle Hadrat `Abbas (r.a.) : O Abbas!O my uncle! Shall I not give you a gift? Shall I not show you something by means of which Allah Ta`ala will forgive your sins, the first and the last of them, the past and recent, the unintentional and the intentional, the small and huge, the secret and open?
The tasbih is recited seventy-five times in each rak`ah totalling 300 in the 4 raka`at. 

Rasulullah (sallallahu `alayhi wasallam) then taught him the Salah al-Tasbih. Furthermore he advised him that it be offered daily, if possible. If not then every Friday or once a month or once a  year or at least once in one's life time'.
Sharing my pics here ;)

To those who missed Masjid Nabawi, I urged you to visit Masjid Al Falah. Boleh menyentap rasa rindu..

This is my first face-to-face meet with Dr. Fatma. Seen her on tv, listen to her on radio, browse her on the net, jazakallahu khair, may Allah bless you for being our guiding light. Dr. Fatma led the all-female prayer of about 100++ of us young and senior ladies. My inner soul was touched, I believed others too when she shed tears throughout the salah and during the dua. Dear Allah, we repent and we truly seek forgiveness for all our sins and wrong-doings. May Allah the all-merciful accept our prayer, amen.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Rising of Apes 2011

Hey, hey, if you are so into the sequel of Planet of the Apes 2001 starring Mark Wahlberg and Helena Bonham Carter, you will have to wait for the next one. This Rising movie tells the beginning, the evolution of an intelligent ape called Caesar and his father/creator, the renown James Franco.

Do not miss this movie but do curb your expectation :)

  5 REASONS why you should catch this movie:

Flixster - Share Movies

FIVE. All-Star Apes have joined the cast! - the chimps, the orangutans, the mighty
gorillas and a cute baby ape

FOUR. Ohh.. Draco Malfoy of Harry Potter joined the team as the nasty 
APE-keeper; he was last seen electrocuted to death by the apes. RIP, he is definitely
not the fortunate soul in this movie

THREE. The freshies A-list cast of James Franco and Freida Pinto is a good combo though somehow lacking chemistry between them.

Flixster - Share Movies

TWO. The CGI effect is commendable that you can hardly tell the difference, really! Imagine the Gollum of LOTR has turned into a mighty ape.

ONE. Whoaaa! Finally, a real talking ape with a vengeance in his eyes when he stares is a must-see! for those who love Ape movies

Flixster - Share Movies

Regardlessly, we heart you James Franco :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011


LIMA sebab tak kemaskini blog
5.  malas ..(dulu rajin konon)
4.    tiada masa terluang ..(oleh itu luang-luangkanlah yer)
3.      kering idea .. (kerap basahkan otak ok??)
2.        patah jari ..(errks cuba guna jari kaki lah)
sebab PERTAMA! saya buat perkara yang lebih afdhal ..(blogging ni sekarang belum jatuh hukum S U N A T :)

a note to myself: Saya Akan Cuba Sedaya-upaya Saya untuk Jadikan Blogging ini Lebih Bermanfaat.
Monolog :: Tak seronok :\